EWWW Image Optimizer vs Autoptimize: Which Should You Use?

2 min readJun 11, 2024

Are you worried about the slow website? This blog on EWWW Image Optimizer Vs Autoptimize Vs Next3 Offload can help.

All the EWWW Image Optimizer, Autoptimize, and Next3 Offload plugins help you optimize your website speed with their unique and efficient features. Though they have dissimilarity in features, they all can contribute to boosting the website loading speed of your website.

EWWW Image Optimizer Overview: Easy to Use, Website Speed Booster

EWWW Image Optimizer helps you make your site faster, increase bounce rate, and boost SEO. It allows you to optimize images using tools on your server including jpegtran, optipng, pngout, pngquant, gifsicle, cwebp.

This plugin lets you compress all the images automatically, scale to fit the page and device size, and lazy load. It also converts images to the next-gen WebP format. It can save storage space with the best compression or quality ratios.

This plugin automatically compresses JS and CSS files to eliminate excess whitespace for efficient delivery. Its page caching feature faster your site response time.

Key Features:

  • Make every image on one page as optimized as possible.
  • BuddyPress Activity Plus photos, Meta Slider slides, WP Symposium Pro avatars, GD bbPress attachments, Grand Media Galleries, theme images, and any user-specified files will all be compressed using the Bulk Optimizer.
  • Hundreds of themes and plugins have been tested with EWWW Image Optimizer.
  • With the Bulk Optimizer, you can create WebP versions of your photos and send them to support browsers.
  • Support CDNs such as Sucuri CloudProxy, KeyCDN, MaxCDN, and Cloudflare operate automatically.
  • Improve bounce rate and boost SEO.

Autoptimize Overview: Speed Optimizer, File Minifier, And Caching Plugin

Autoptimize optimizes your site’s performance easily. It minifies and aggregates HTML, and CSS files to speed up your site. It includes CSS in the page head by default.

This plugin lets you optimize and lazy-load images. It can also convert images to WebP and AVIF. Its extensive API enables you to tailor Autoptimize to every site’s specific needs.

Key Features:

  • It removes WordPress core emoji.
  • Minifies HTML and injects CSS in the page head by default.
  • Page caching is another important feature.
  • Optimize Google Fonts, async non-aggregated JavaScript.
  • Supports lazy load to optimize the image.
  • WebP and AVIF are also supported.
  • An extensive API enables you to tailor Autoptimize to every site’s specific needs.
  • It supports CDN.





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